Underwater filming


The sea is a challenging environment and it takes years of experience to be able to get the right shot when you’re holding your breath. As an experienced freediver and underwater camera operator for the ITM Fishing Show, Kane has a great sense of what's going to happen next, which is vital in the wild and uncontrolled environment that is the ocean, where there’s no second chances to get the shot. 

Grundy Productions are as comfortable under the water as we are alongside it (well, some of the crew anyway). So if your business has a story to tell with an aquatic twist, you know you’re in safe hands.

Underwater filming

Project Example

“Sure travelling the world to exotic locations to film our fishing shows is fun, but there’s also a lot of pressure to get the footage we need, then raise the bar and shoot something special. Kane has been a regular in our team for eight years and he’s been a key man in getting those special shots for us that can make a scene, or even capture that pivotal moment of the whole shoot that so often happens underwater. Kane has a great sense of whats going happen next, which is vital in the wild and uncontrolled environment that is the ocean where there’s no second chances to get the shot.”
Matt Watson, ITM Fishing Show
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